We recently tested an eGPU via Thuderbolt connection, and several people requested testing with another way of connecting an external video card to a notebook: the M.2 connector. Today we are going to test an ADT model, available on AliExpress, which uses the slot that many people dedicate to an SSD, but which will “double” as a connection to a video card!
We will play live with the system connected to the M.2 connector, and in the future we will have an article comparing in detail the performance of this connection compared to the solution that uses Thuderbolt 3.
And to be able to make the comparison, Leandro Holtz (@leandro_holtz) “did it right” and in addition to bringing the ADT R3G, he got a very exotic PC that we will use for the tests. All to be able to have at the same time more m.2 slots and also Thunderbolt connections in a PC with a notebook processor.
System Settings:
- Processador Intel Core i7-13700H
- Insane hack cooler
- RAM 2x32GB LPDDR4 @3200MHz
- SSD: 1TB SSD Kingston NV2
- Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 Founders Edition Video Card
- Fonte Corsair RM1200X
The live is on behalf of Diego “Carequinha das Views” Kerber (@kerberdiego) and Cassiano “Doorbell” Presoto (@cassianopresoto). The broadcast starts at 7 pm.

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Source: https://www.adrenaline.com.br/hardware/egpu-vamos-ligar-uma-placa-de-video-em-notebook-via-slot-m-2/