The hacker group IntelBroker, known to have accessed data from Interpol and raided the British bank Barclaysclaimed another victim, a AMD. New product details, specifications, customer, employee and company databases, BIOS and firmware files, software source code and financial information were compromised.
AMD confirms and is investigating the case
AMD confirmed the data leak. In a statement to the PC Mag websitethe company said it is aware of the case and is working with police to determine what happened.
“We are aware of a cybercriminal organization claiming to be in possession of stolen AMD data. We are working closely with law enforcement authorities and a third-party hosting partner to investigate the allegation and the significance of the data, AMD stated.
Those responsible for the leak even published on a forum some examples of data they managed to obtain thanks to the AMD hack.
This is not the first time AMD has faced security breaches. In 2022, around 56.25 GB of data was accessed by the hacker group RansomHouse. Among the information, network files, system information and passwords used by the company. The leak confirmed that several employees used weak passwords such as “’P@ssw0rd’, ‘amd!23’ and ‘Welcome1”.
Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/amd-hackeada.html