Credits: TCL

As OLED technology becomes increasingly popular in all types of displays, manufacturers are making promises to make products more affordable and durable. This time it was TCL that made new predictions of this type, guaranteeing all kinds of improvements for its OLED displays through the company’s inkjet printing technology.

In direct translation, the technology is called “inkjet”, in the same way that many home printers have worked for years. Ming-Jong Jou, one of TCL’s executives, promises that the technology allows us to manufacture better OLED panels, with less production costs and wasted materials. In other words, this would result in cheaper and more durable products, including greater shine.

TCL panel 4K 1000 Hz
Blur Busters

Bringing concrete numbers to the claims, TCL guarantees that its printed OLED panels offer up to 50% less light loss compared to traditional ones, using internal reflection. Furthermore, light emission efficiency improves by 1.5 times. This would result in greater durability, but the manufacturer did not offer predictions.

Source: TCL

These improvements come while production costs are reduced by 20%, according to TCL. And all these advantages would also be crowned by a reduction in the product development cycle, by 30%.

TCL wants to expand the use of inkjet in OLED manufacturing

Inkjet technology is already used in the manufacture of OLED panels. It currently appears in the layer sedimentation encapsulation process in modern panels, and Samsung uses it for its quantum dots in QD-OLED screens. TCL’s idea is to expand the use of the resource to other stages of panel manufacturing, including the production of light emitters.

More about OLED screens:

Going by unofficial information, there are rumors that CSOT – TCL’s product manufacturing division – will start producing inkjet OLED panels later this year. In other words, by the end of 2024, TCL will expand its use of the technology, first on 21.6” 4K screens for medical devices.

More varied products should start to be manufactured in 2025, but still only in notebooks and monitors. The rumors do not yet speak of when the process will reach the brand’s TVs.

Source: TechSpot

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