Credits: Intel.

Former Twitter user Underfox3 posted that Intel is exploring the use of chiplets for GPU manufacturing. And it is possible that adoption will be soon. This technology involves transitioning from monolithic configurations to small, specialized chiplets, which combine like LEGO bricks to form the board.

By dividing the GPU design into chiplets, manufacturers can tune each chiplet for specific uses, such as computing, graphics, or AI.

Another major benefit of disaggregated GPU architectures is their energy efficiency compared to existing ones, as individual chiplets save energy when not in use. This design technique brings several other benefits, such as workload customization, modularity, and flexibility, and is seen as the future for GPU designs.

License from Intel 12112398, via FPO

Previously, AMD filed a similar patent, focused on the use of chiplets and with individual units managed in three different modes, similar to a Multi-Chiplet Module structure.

However, implementing a multi-tile GPU is not as simple as it seems, as it brings manufacturing complexities and the need for suitable interconnect technology. Chiplet designs, like those in AMD’s EPYC CPUs, are on the market but not yet implemented. Intel’s patent is a sign that the technology may be closer to end users than imagined.

Fonte: Underfox, WCCFTECH

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