8BitDo is already a company well known for its gaming accessories, mainly controllers. And this time the news is that the company has launched its first controller made for smartphones and smaller tablets, the Ultimate Mobile Gaming Controller.

The new control can be attached directly to compatible smartphones and mobile devices and has an expandable fixing system to support a greater number of devices. Check out more details!

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Control for smartphones has Bluetooth connection

The Ultimate Mobile Gaming Controller is designed to be used with both smartphones and smaller tablets that are between 100mm and 170mm in length. An important detail is that, unlike many models that connect to the device via a USB-C cable, the connection is made via Bluetooth.

This is good because it avoids dangling wires and extra spaces for connecting cables, but the Bluetooth connection tends to be less stable, which can be harmful in competitive games. Other than that, for casual games, it works and still brings this freedom and flexibility in use.

Another important detail is that, even though it has a Bluetooth connection, the control is only compatible with Android devices.

The battery is 350mAh, and according to the company it offers up to 15 hours of gaming with just 1.5 hours of recharging. It has very impressive autonomy, which could attract many interested parties. However, this comes with a price. The Ultimate Mobile Gaming Controller ends up being a little heavier than some competitors thanks to this battery, weighing in at 256 grams.

In terms of comparison, the Backbone One, for example, is a control model for smartphones that has a cable connection and weighs just 138 grams.

Advanced sensors and precise controls

Control for smartphones

In terms of features, one of the highlights of the new 8BitDo control are the Hall effect sensors, which are present in its joysticks and triggers. Hall effect sensors are magnetic sensors that guarantee greater resistance to wear, reducing the risk of “drift”, a common problem in analog controls that causes the character or cursor to move alone, even without the player’s command.

Furthermore, the control also has a series of additional buttons that bring more functionality to its use. It has shoulder buttons, a four-way directional pad with tactile feedback, and turbo, macro and profile buttons. On the back, there are two programmable palette buttons, providing an option for players to configure extra actions according to their needs.

Complete customization with 8BitDo’s Ultimate Software

Control for smartphones

Another big difference with the Ultimate Mobile Gaming Controller is that it is compatible with 8BitDo’s Ultimate Software, available for both desktop and mobile devices. The program offers a customization platform that allows players to tweak virtually every aspect of control, from remapping buttons to creating macros for complex action combinations.

In addition to these features, the software allows the creation of multiple profiles, ideal for those who play different types of games. FPS players, for example, can use Ultimate Software to adjust the sensitivity of the triggers, so that they are faster and more accurate, which can make a difference in high-intensity gaming situations.

Price and availability

The new Ultimate Mobile Gaming Controller has already been officially announced by the company and is scheduled to be launched on November 29, 2024, that is, in practically a month.

It has already gone on pre-sale in the United States and its value is US$49.99, which in direct conversion and without taxes is already around R$285.

Fonte: TheVerge

Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/8bitdo-lanca-seu-primeiro-controle-para-smartphone.html

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