The Federal Audit Court (TCU), upon request from the Public Ministry, must carry out an investigation about the tender opened by the Federal Supreme Court (STF) for monitoring social networks. The piece was presented by deputy attorney Lucas Furtado, but has not yet been evaluated.
As we tell herein the STF bidding notice it is mentioned that this monitoring will take place on the Court’s official profiles on social media and on keywords and topics of interest defined by the Court, in order to enable the analysis of the STF’s digital presence in these media, and should happen 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
According to the STF, this monitoring “This is a service to compile public content from social networks about the STF, just as clipping already exists for news from newspapers and websites. The consolidation of the public content of networks is carried out in most public administration bodies and guides the work of social communication, to define topics that must be better explained to society, for example”.
Following a standard procedure, in which public expenses are involved, the TCU was asked to investigate the bidding. The STF expects to pay up to R$344,000 for the service, which will last for one year. The hired company must be able to meet the following points:
- Analysis of the STF image;
- Identification of relevant issues addressed on digital platforms, related to the Supreme Court;
- Issuance of reports with daily, weekly and monthly balance sheets. Ministers will have access to these reports;
- General assessment of the impact of mobilization around issues related to the Court, evaluating its consequences for society;
- Tracking and identifying the authors of publications, especially those that have a negative nature.
The TCU analysis must be reported by minister Jhonatan de Jesus. There is no deadline for the Court to take a position on the issue.
Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/tcu-nvestigacao-licitacao-stf-monitoramento-redes-sociais.html