A National Consumer Secretariat (Senacon)linked to the Ministry of Justice, notified Amazon e Free market due to the sale of irregular cell phones advertised by retailers registered on their platforms.

Devices that have not gone through the Anatel approval process are classified as irregular. Models without the collection of taxes on goods sold in Brazil, and those without a charger with the standard defined by ABNT are also credited as irregular.

Both Amazon and Mercado Livre have partnerships via the marketplace, in which third-party retailers use the large storefront of these e-commerce stores to sell their products.

In a statement, Amazon confirmed that it has already removed a selection of devices that do not comply with what Anatel determines.

Amazon.com.br removed offers for a selection of cell phones from its store in compliance with the request sent by the National Council for Combating Piracy and Crimes against Intellectual Property (“CNCP”) of the National Consumer Secretariat (“Senacon” ). The partner sellers responsible for the offers were notified and their stores were temporarily suspended. They will be able to appeal by presenting to Amazon the documentation that proves the regularity of each product and offer.

Mercado Livre also took a position with the following note:

“Mercado Livre made itself available to contribute to Senacon and presented a statement asking for more information to be able to correctly comply with the determination.”

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The sale of irregular devices is expected to double in size in Brazil by the end of 2024. According to Abinee (Brazilian Association of the Electrical and Electronic Industry), around 6.2 million cell phones were sold without paying taxes in 2023.

Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/2024-05/apos-notificacao-da-senacon-amazon-remove-anuncios-de-smartphones-irregulares.html

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