O Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF)a Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency) a Federal Police (PF)), and even the law firm of Minister Alexandre de Moraes’ family, were targeted by a denial of service (DDoS) attack.

According to data obtained by Folha de S.Paulothe wave of attacks began last Friday (30), and the first target was the STF. The attacks were directed due to the suspension of X in national territory, a decision made by Minister Alexandre de Moraes, and was endorsed by the other ministers of the supreme court on Monday (2).

Just like the STF, Anatel also faced instability throughout last Friday. Cyberattacks targeting the PF and also the Barci de Moraes law firm took place yesterday (3). In all cases, the actions resulted only in momentary instability, or even a few hours of unavailability.

As far as we know, there were no data leaks.

Hacktivism has fueled DDoS attacks

According to data provided to Hardware.com.br by the security company Check Point Softwaressince last year there has been an increase in the number of DDoS attacks in several countries, including Brazil. According to the company, this is related to hacktivism:

“We are seeing the rise of hacktivism, that is, hacker attacks in the name of ideologies and political goals. Hacktivist groups want to cause chaos, intimidate and demonstrate their power. It is important for such attacks to attract attention, attack symbols, people and institutions that are somehow related to the reason for the attack,” says Fernando de Falchi, Security Engineering Manager at Check Point Software Brazil,

Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/em-protesto-ao-bloqueio-do-x-stf-anatel-e-pf-sofrem-ataques-ciberneticos.html

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