The 20% rate for international purchases up to US$50, approved by the Chamber of Deputies, is not enough for the national productive sector. Leaders of industry, commerce and agriculture are turning to governments for a way to establish an increase in taxes. To achieve this, the objective is to increase the ICMS percentage, currently at 17%.
The pressure behind the scenes
The application of the 20% tax on international purchases still depends on the Senate’s assessment and presidential sanction. If it comes into force, we would have a scenario of 20% import tax + 17% ICMS. The idea of the Brazilian productive sector, according to findings from O Globo, is to reach 45%, adding the federal and state taxes. This proposal will be passed on at the next meeting of the National Council for Financial Policy (Confaz), scheduled for July 5th.
The sector leaders’ speech is in line with what deputy Átila Lira (PP-PI), rapporteur of the project that takes up the point of federal taxation on international purchases of up to US$50, defends. They argue that taxation would be a way of protect national industry. However, with the 20% that can be approved, representatives of important sectors in the country understand that it is insufficient to protect national production and jobs.
This argument was defended by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), the National Confederation of Commerce (CNC) and the National Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) in a note signed jointly by these entities.
“The decision to tax international purchases at just 20% is not enough to avoid unfair competition, although it is a very timid first step towards tax equality and its equality with national production“, says the note.
The note also cites an IPRI/FSB survey that states that only 18% of people who earn up to two minimum wages (R$2,824) make purchases on international websites, compared to 41% of the population who earn more than five minimum wages ( R$ 7,060). “In other words, imports benefit higher-income consumers“, he concludes.
What do Shopee, AliExpress and Shein say about taxation?
Shopee adopted a line of speech in favor of taxation. The company, which has around 90% of its sales in Brazil carried out by national retailers, believes that the initiative will bring many benefits to the marketplace.
In contrast to this position, AliExpress, in a note sent to Hardware.com.br, states that the end of the exemption could have a very negative impact on the Brazilian population.
Shein defined the exemption as a setback, considering that more than 40% of the years ago, import tax exemption was guaranteed for international purchases of up to US$50.
Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/2024-05/governo-precisa-elevar-ainda-mais-imposto-importacao-setor-produtivo.html