O Free market confirmed this Wednesday (10) a promotion for those who wish to subscribe to the Meli+. Valid until July 22, subscribers will be able to access free shipping on Mercado Livre, Disney+ and Deezer for R$9.90/month, during the first two months.
Regarding the free shipping, it is valid for purchases from R$29, on millions of selected products, identified by the presence of the Meli+ logo. In addition to access to Disney+ and Deezer (for 12 months), subscribers also have access to a discount of up to 30% for the Paramoum+ and MAX subscription.
The promotional price is available until July 22nd. To subscribe, visit the official Meli+ website.
Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/frete-gratis-disney-e-deezer-por-r-990-mercado-livre-anuncia-promocao-do-meli.html