The Brazilian is interested in equipping the car with a multimedia center, but without spending a lot, being the Pioneer the favorite brand among those evaluated. This is what the survey carried out by OLX, the largest classifieds marketplace for used products, cars and real estate in Brazil, reveals, which observed the performance of the segment on the platform.

“The various features of the equipment that add practicality and entertainment are increasingly sought after. Anyone who wants to upgrade their car can find, through OLX, the opportunity to purchase good second-hand equipment, and have access to the main brands on the market at prices that can be 34% more affordable”comments Flávio Passos, VP of business at Grupo OLX.

Pioneer is the most sold brand among second-hand devices, with 81% of the sales share through the platform, in second place come Roadstar and Positron, both with 7% each. In third place comes Multilaser, with 4%.

When evaluating the most sought-after manufacturers through OLX, Pioneer remains in first place, and is followed by Positron, Roadstar and Multilaser, in that order. The same sequence is repeated in the ranking of most advertised brands.

The high movement in sales of multimedia centers on OLX can be explained by the advantageous prices for users. The value of a used Pioneer device is, on average, 34% more affordable through the platform compared to a new item.

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