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NVIDIA announced that its video upscaling technology, RTX Video Super Resolution, is now compatible with Mozilla Firefox browsers. With it, users can use their GeForce RTX 20 or higher GPU to achieve HDR.

The intention of this technology is to provide a leap in quality in low-resolution videos that are viewed over the internet – whether via YouTube, Twitch or any other video player and streaming platform, even if you do not have a monitor compatible with the resolution.

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This NVIDIA tool combines algorithm upscaling – giving a boost to each frame of the video, dynamically filling in the intervention space – and translating standard dynamic frames into high quality – with more color vibrancy and contrast via software tools.

As you can see in the technology’s announcement video, which arrived in Chrome and Edge browsers in 2023, the proposal is to boost image quality and provide a superior experience when using NVIDIA GeForce RTX graphics cards and their artificial intelligence technology.

It is important to mention that NVIDIA RTX Video Super Resolution is made for browsers like Firefox, but it is also compatible with some media players – such as VLC Media Player. In other words, even if you are not using the browser, you can also see improvements in some videos in your personal archive.

NVIDIA Video Super Resolution is now also supported by Mozilla Firefox

NVIDIA RTX Video Super Resolution will improve

Considering that the NVIDIA RTX Video Super Resolution application remains in beta stages, the manufacturer is still working on several improvements in addition to making it compatible with Firefox to bring more news during 2024.

If you already have a GeForce RTX 20 or higher GPU, simply activate the feature within the NVIDIA control panel. It is possible to notice that it is not yet available in the Windows app, something that should also be implemented later.

Furthermore, for NVIDIA RTX Video Super Resolution to work properly, you must have the latest version of Mozilla Firefox installed – in addition to your GPU drivers updated.

Font: PCWorld

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