Credits: Disclosure

New rumors suggest that NVIDIA is teaming up with Foxconn to build a second Research & Development center in Taiwan – in the Kaohsiung Software Park, which is located in the south of the territory. The first was focused on AI Innovation and continues from 2022 to the present day operating in Neihu, in the city of Taipei.

On the eve of Computex 2024, the company’s CEO Jensen Huang arrived in the country early and already has a meeting scheduled with the leadership of TSMC and the new president of Taiwan, William Lai – under the premise of discussing the possibility of setting up his new center of research in Tainan or Kaohsiung.

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The information has not been confirmed by NVIDIA, but this information gains even more credibility due to AMD’s recent announcement that it plans to do the same in Taiwan. The action could be a response to Dr. Lisa Su’s corporation, as well as being a well-positioned strategic move for her business.

It is worth taking into account that setting up Research & Development facilities in the territory is still advantageous, as it is in the country that 90% of the artificial intelligence servers that go to other countries are produced. Furthermore, they will be even closer to TSMC – facilitating the logistics and operations of their commercial partnership.

Taiwan’s industrial technology department representative, Zhou Chongbin, has already revealed that there are no official plans for this particular build – however, NVIDIA is assembling the Taipei-1 supercomputer next to Foxconn in Kaohsiung and this could indicate that they have more plans for the region.

Photo: Disclosure/NVIDIA

The risk that NVIDIA and everyone sees

Despite being constantly growing, NVIDIA’s move is still risky – especially if we take into account that Taiwan is at the center of the entire dispute between the United States and China. The conflict is so acute that TSMC has equipped its factories with a self-destruct device in case of war.

It is possible that more information about the progress of Jensen Huang’s company in the country will be released during Computex 2024, however these negotiations take time to be concluded and it may take time for concrete information to emerge.

Fonte: Tom’s Hardware

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