O Free Market confirmed this Friday (23) that the subscription price of Meli+ will cost R$27.99 from September 3, 2024. With the new price, the package undergoes a 56% adjustment.
Currently priced at R$17.99, Meli+ is a package that includes some benefits: free shipping on Mercado Livre, discount coupons valid for certain products, access to the Disney+ catalog and discounts on other platforms.
The company did not go into detail about the reasons for the price increase. Communication to subscribers about the change in the monthly fee has already begun. “On September 3rd, a new Meli+ experience is coming and the price of your subscription will change to R$27.99/month, says part of the email.
Since the company mentions a new experience, it is possible that Meli+ could undergo some kind of reformulation and that more benefits could be added to the plan. So far, the company has not specified what would be part of this “new experience”, besides the increase in the monthly fee.
Lack of clarity
Another problem with communication is that even people who subscribe to the most expensive Meli+/Disney+ plan with support for 4K content playback, for R$43.90/month, also received the email about the change to R$27.99. Which leaves room for the interpretation that the R$27.99 price will be valid for all subscribers.
For R$17.99, a plan that will increase to R$27.99, access to Disney+ is standard with ads. The limitations are as follows: access only to ESPN 1 and ESPN 3 channels, 2 simultaneous screens, no 4K video playback, no Dolby Atmos support and no possibility of downloads.
Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/meli-passara-a-custar-r-2799-reajuste-de-mais-de-50.html