With the new line of Windows notebooks with Snapdragon X chips, Microsoft is investing to improve user experiences with processors ARM in the system. One of the main new features revealed to achieve this was the Prismthe new translator that promises to run x86 apps as well as Rosetta 2 and Apple.
x86 to ARM migration

Prism is a new emulator for Windows with ARM
In fact, 87% of the total minutes people spend in apps today have native Arm versions. With a new emulator, Prism, your applications work perfectly, whether native or emulated.
Highlights Microsoft
Focus on increasing the number of native apps
Prism optimized for Snapdragon X Elite

Source: https://www.adrenaline.com.br/microsoft/windows/prism-conheca-a-arma-do-windows-arm-para-emular-apps-x86/