Max bet big on the bizarre with the series “It Only Happens in Florida”, a comedy that features some of the most absurd and unbelievable cases that emerge from the American state of Florida.
With a mix of humor and shocking reality, the series became an instant success. Furthermore, the production could also serve as a kind of preparation for one of the most anticipated games of the next generation: GTA 6, since from what the trailer showed, we will see some references to real cases.
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Series gives name to the “Florida Man” meme
“It Only Happens in Florida” arrived to prove the culture of the “Florida Man” meme, known for highlighting headlines that range from hilarious to complete absurdity. Stories about a drunk man who survived an alligator attack, a guy selling parts of his own body to be eaten and a mermaid threatened by a witch with the help of a corrupt police officer are just some of the series’ narratives.
The series description begins with a clear warning: “What you are about to see may be dangerous, illegal, unethical, futile, wrong, immoral and definitely stupid. But it’s also true, in a way.”
This type of narrative seems to have been taken directly from the GTA 6 script, which will also take place in Leonida, a fictional version of the state of Florida.
Big names help the series’ success
Watching “It Just Happens in Florida” not only guarantees a good laugh, but also gives you an idea of the kind of madness to expect in GTA 6. The series, with six episodes in the first season, features a star-studded cast with names like Anna Faris, Randall Park and Juliette Lewis, which helps make the experience even more fun and engaging.
Shortly after the broadcast of the final episode, the series was renewed for a second season, showing that the mix of absurd humor and real events has won over the public. Furthermore, the production still has a high rating on Rotten Tomatoes, currently with 86% public approval.
While GTA 6 promises to transport players to the beating heart of tropical Leonida, “It Only Happens in Florida” brings to light the absurdity that is already present in real life. If you want to be prepared for everything the game has to offer, this series is the perfect warm-up.
GTA 6 and inspiration in real Florida
Although we don’t have many details about GTA 6, the official trailer has already shown that the game is full of moments inspired by bizarre events that happened in real life in Florida.
Among them are, for example, the scene with the crazy woman with two hammers in her hand (the so-called “Karen) and which was inspired by a crazy woman who broke a boy’s car in a racist act, the woman in a bikini dancing on a moving car , the scene of an alligator invading the pool and others invading a store, the scene of the practically naked elderly man taking care of the plants, and of course, the famous scene from Florida’s Joker.
These moments make clear the idea that GTA 6 will embrace the chaotic spirit of Florida, bringing players an authentic and surreal experience, very similar to what “It Only Happens in Florida” already shows to be true.
Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/serie-desconhecida-do-max-pode-servir-como-preparacao-para-gta-6-entenda.html