Another celebrity case “VR effects”. Every now and then there are cases of people who, when playing a game adapted for virtual reality format, end up hitting something around them, due to the loss of the sense of space and immersion provided during the game.
A video captured by the account @nai.lo2 on Tik Tok which records the exact moment when a man wearing PlayStation VR virtual reality glasses, in conjunction with the PS Move controller, punches the TV during a boxing game match.
In the video it is possible to see a woman approaching to try to prevent the citizen’s hand from coming into contact with the television, but it was too late. Watch below:
The author of the post said that the man in question is engaged to her boyfriend’s sister and that the case took place at the Conquista Sul shopping mall, in Vitória da Conquista, Bahia. In the comments, some people asked if they had to pay for the damaged television.
She reports that the owner of the VR space inside the mall was angry, and that he said that the equipment would have to be paid for. But they didn’t pay anything. The man who appears in the video just apologized and left.
They also used the argument that the space had no delimitation, precisely to prevent closer contact with the TV.
Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/2024-06/homem-da-soco-em-tv-de-shopping-na-bahia-ao-usar-o-playstation-vr.html