This week, Instagram sparked controversy among users by releasing an option to make comments made in Stories visible to everyone, that is, public.
This would work more or less as it does in Feed, so any response users have in Stories would be seen by all followers. However, the good news is that you can disable this option. Know how.
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This new feature is present in the latest update of the application, more precisely version 336. Stories comments are visible to everyone as long as the Story is present, as it is content that is automatically deleted after 24 hours of posting.
This new option began to appear for many users, who were taken by surprise. In the presentation message, the application states that it is possible to add comments to friends’ Stories and that they are visible to everyone who can see these Stories.
Although this type of interaction already happens in Feed, many people didn’t like the new feature. This is because people generally post a lot more Stories than Feeds, and either they don’t want as much public interaction with their content or they simply prefer reactions to be more intimate. Regardless of the reason, the good news is that you can disable this option.
How to disable public comments on Stories
Although the new public comments feature should reach everyone, fortunately the user can choose to use it or not. If the profile owner does not want this change, it is possible to deactivate the function.
To do this, simply open the Stories publishing screen and go to the settings button in the top right corner, which is shaped like a gear. Then, open the Story option and go to the Comments section. Finally, just select the Allow Comments option and disable it.
If it is activated, anyone who views your Stories, even if they are not a follower, will be able to post a public comment. The profile owner can still delete the comment and even block the account and report it. It will also be possible to reply to the comment in DM to continue the conversation.
Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/saiba-como-desativar-os-comentarios-publicos-nos-stories-do-instagram.html