In recent years, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) has evolved rapidly, bringing innovations that previously seemed far from reality. Among its most revolutionary applications is Generative AIa branch of technology capable of creating texts, images, videos and even programming codes autonomously. According to Grandview Research, the global AI market is projected to grow from $196.63 billion in 2022 to $1.81 trillion by 2030.

Generative AI uses advanced algorithms that learn from large volumes of data, generating new content from this knowledge. In the corporate world, this technology has been applied to create innovative solutions, automate creative processes and optimize operations in areas such as marketing, design, customer service and product development.

Gustavo Fortuna, Artificial Intelligence Leader at BlueShift, highlights that its adoption provides companies with greater operational efficiency, allowing them to create innovative and personalized experiences for customers. “By integrating these solutions into their processes, companies can increase their creative and operational capabilities, which directly impacts the success of their products and services”says Fortuna.

A practical example of the application of this creative intelligence is the Sofia project, implemented by MRV&CO in partnership with BlueShift and using Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service. The construction company developed a chatbot intelligent, capable of offering more natural and personalized responses, meeting customer needs.

The results obtained with the implementation of Sofia show the positive impact of AI on customer service. The lead conversion rate doubled, jumping from 20% to 40%, which could represent around R$100 million in annual total sales value (GSV), if the deals are completed.

Additionally, 93% of requests are now resolved automatically, without the need for human intervention, allowing agents to focus on more complex and analytical tasks. Initial response times, which previously took up to two hours, are now immediate, and the process of forwarding to a broker has been reduced from three days to just a few minutes.

However, despite the numerous benefits, it is crucial that companies adopt well-defined strategies when using this technology. One of the biggest risks is the so-called “model collapse”, which occurs when AI models are repeatedly trained with data generated by other models, resulting in a loss of accuracy and quality. To avoid this, it is essential to ensure the diversity of data used in training and to have qualified teams to monitor the results.

“We are just beginning to explore the full potential of AI. As more companies adopt this technology, we will see a transformation in the creation of products and provision of services. The secret lies in using this innovation strategically, complementing human talent and generating real value,” concludes the expert.


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