Microsoft has touted the progress it has made with its sustainability initiative for Xbox consoles, saying it has reduced emissions of more than 1.2 million tons of CO2 – the equivalent of removing approximately 4.8 billion kilometers of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere that are emitted by gasoline-powered cars.
According to the manufacturer, this reduction occurs in two ways: the first is within the hardware settings, which allows the user to select the energy saving option. The second is the “Shutdown” mode – this maintains the video game activities and saves up to 20 times the energy used compared to “Rest”.

Microsoft also points out that it has made several improvements to its services to reduce CO2 emissions, such as making updates and downloads available at times when renewable energy is available – thus reducing the environmental impact in the process.
Their sustainability efforts aren’t just in the console itself or the way they allow users to configure it, but also in the studios that make games for them. They use the Xbox Sustainability Toolkit – which also reduces energy consumption during the development of major games.

According to information from Microsoft, this kit provides studios with additional energy control panels, a best practices guide and analysis tools that allow them to optimize the energy consumption performance of their games – already used by 343 Industries and Activision in Halo Infinite and the latest Call of Duty, for example.
See also:

In a message shared by Microsoft, they state that their efforts to improve the Xbox to achieve less impactful levels in its consumption and CO2 emissions into the atmosphere is just a step towards an ideal they have.
We are proud of the progress we have made, but we know that the work towards a more sustainable future is never complete.
Fonte: Eurogamer

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Source: https://www.adrenaline.com.br/microsoft/microsoft-reduz-emissao-de-1-2-milhao-de-toneladas-de-co2-com-xbox/