The operator Clear was fined almost R$1 million by the National Consumer Secretariat (Senacon) for misleading advertising regarding 5G technology.

According to the order advertising in the Official Gazette of the Union, the company used advertising messages referring to 5G that misled consumers, since the technology used by the operator was the 5G DSSwhich makes it possible to offer the fifth mobile generation using the same frequencies used by 4G. The full value of the fine is R$922,869 thousand.

Senacon concluded that the operator failed to make it clear that it was not what is called “Pure 5G”, but a technology that was based on dynamic spectrum sharing, DSS (Dynamic Spectrum Sharing). The administrative process was initiated in 2021.

“The lack of clarity in advertising and this lack of information harm consumers’ ability to understand the limitations of the technology offered,” highlighted the director of DPDC (Department of Consumer Protection and Defense), Vitor Hugo do Amaral Ferreira. He emphasized the need for clear and understandable communication so that consumers can exercise their right to choose in an informed and conscious manner.

In a statement, operator Claro stated that it does not comment on administrative decisions and that it will appeal the decision.


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