Yesterday (06), the Senate approved taxation on international purchases. If sanctioned by President Lula, purchases of up to US$50 will receive a tax rate of 20%. Added to this is the 17% ICMS.
Remembering that, if it becomes law, the ICMS will be charged on the purchase value already increased by the 20% import tax.
Jaques Wagner (PT-BA), government leader in the Senate, asked for the vote to be symbolic. Therefore, those who voted in favor of taxation, known as “blouse fee” did not have their names displayed on the electronic panel. Only those who voted against were revealed.
See below the complete list of Senators who voted for and against taxation on international purchases of up to US$50:
Senators in favor of taxation
- Alan Rick (União-AC);
- Marcio Bittar (União-AC);
- Sérgio Petação (PSD-AC);
- Fernando Farias (MDB-AL);
- Renan Calheiros (MDB-AL)
- Eduardo Braga (MDB-AM);
- Omar Aziz (PSD-AM);
- Plínio Valério (PSDB-AM);
- Davi Alcolumbre (União-AP);
- Lucas Barreto ((PSD-AP);
- Randolfe Rodrigues (no party-AP);
- Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA);
- Jaques Wagner (PT-BA);
- Otto Alencar (PSD-BA);
- Cid Gomes (PSB-CE);
- Janaína Farias (PT-CE);
- Damares Alves (Republicanos-DF);
- Izalci Lucas (PL-DF);
- Leila Barros (PDT-DF);
- Fabiano Contarato (PT-ES);
- Magno Malta (PL-ES);
- Marcos do Val ( Podemos-ES );
- Jorge Kajuru (PSB-GO);
- Vanderlan Cardoso (PSD-GO);
- Ana Paula Lobato (PDT-MA);
- Eliziane Gama (PSD-MA);
- Weverton (PDT-MA);
- Carlos Viana (Podemos-MG)
- Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG);
- Nelsinho Trad (PSD-MS);
- Soraya Thronicke (Podemos-MS);
- Tereza Cristina (PP-MS);
- Jayme Campos (União-MT);
- Margareth Buzetti (PSD-MT);
- Wellington Fagundes (PL-MT);
- Beto Faro (PT-PA);
- Jader Barbalho (MDB-PA);
- Zequinha Marinho (Podemos-PA);
- Daniella Ribeiro (PSD-PB);
- Efraim Filho (União-PB);
- Veneziano Vital do Rêgo (MDB-PB);
- Fernando Dueire (MDB);
- Humberto Costa (PT-PE);
- Teresa Leitão (PT-PE);
- Ciro Nogueira (PP-PI);
- Jussara Lima (PSD-PI);
- Marcelo Castro (MDB-PI);
- Flávio Arns (PSB-PR);
- Orlovisto Guimarães (Podemos-PR);
- Sergio Moro (União-PR);
- Styverson Valentim (Podemos-RN);
- Zenaide Maia (PSD-RN);
- Confúcio Moura (MDB-RO);
- Chico Rodrigues (PSB-RR);
- Dr. Hiran (PP-RR);
- Hamilton Mourão (Republicanos-RS);
- Ireneu Orth (PP-RS);
- Paulo Paim (PT-RS);
- Esperidião Amin (PP-SC);
- Ivete da Silveira (MDB-SC);
- Jorgue Seif (PL-SC);
- Laércio Oliveira (PP-SE);
- Rogério Carvalho (PT-SE);
- Astronaut Marcos Pontes (PL-SP);
- Giordano (MDB-SP);
- Mara Gabriel (PSD-SP);
- Eduardo Gomes (PL-TO);
- Professor Dorinha Seabra (União-TO).
Senators against taxation:
- Rodrigo Cunha (Podemos-AL)
- Eduardo Girão (NOVO-CE);
- Wilder Morais (PL-GO);
- Cleitinho (Republicanos-MG)
- Carlos Portinho (PL-RJ)
- Romário (PL-RJ)
- Flávio Bolsonaro (PL-RJ)
- Rogério Marinho (PL-RN)
- Marcos Rogério (PL-RO)
- Jaime Bagattoli (PL-RO
- Mecias de Jesus (Republicanos-RR)
- Alessandro Vieira (MDB-SE)
- Irajá (PSD-TO)