Credits: AMD

Among the announcements made by AMD at Computex 2024 is an update to the Instinct MI300 series of GPUs. The SKU Instinct MI325Xstill based on CDNA 3arrives in 2024 equipped with 288GB HBM3E memorytwice as much as the previous series, in addition to 6 Tb/s bandwidth.

In relation to the MI200 series models, the Instinct MI325X will have 1.3x more performance in FP16 and FP8 and also in bandwidth. This SKU will be available in the last quarter of the year.

AMD Instinct MI325X

AMD also took a look at its next series, Instinct MI350, which will debut the next generation of its architecture, CDNA 4. Just like the SKU presented today, the series that only arrives in 2025 will also be equipped with up to 288 GB of HBM3E memory, but it will be produced in 3nm.

According to the company, the performance leap between the MI200 (CDNA 2) and MI300 (CDNA 3) generations was 8 times, but this number will go much further when comparing the next series, which will be based on CDNA 4, with the current one: jump of around 35 times with the MI350.

Comparing to its direct rival, NVIDIA with the B200 GPUs, based on Blackwell and arriving in 2025, the AMD Instinct MI350 CDNA 4 series will have around 1.5x more memory and 1.2x more AI performance.

After the CDNA 4 architecture that will arrive in 2025, AMD says that the MI400 series, with an architecture called CDNA Next for now, will arrive in 2026 and will go head to head with the NVIDIA Rubin Ultra GPUs, which will use HBM4 memories and also arrive in the same year.

AMD Instinct

At Computex 2024, AMD also revealed other important products. Among them is the Ryzen AI 300 series of mobile CPUs, which promises to be the strongest among the SKUs aimed at AI PCs, delivering up to 50 TOPS of performance in artificial intelligence, in addition to the Ryzen 9000 for desktop. Both mark the debut of the Zen 5 architecture.

At the presentation, AMD reiterated that the Instinct MI300 GPUs were the products that sold the most in the shortest time in the company’s history. In a fiscal report for 2023, AMD had already said that this series was one of the biggest responsible for the increase in revenue.

It may be that profit in this segment will decrease in 2024, as the Instinct MI325X GPU will be AMD’s only new product for this year.

Via: WCCFtech

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