Elon Musk’s decision to close the X office in Brazil, putting an end to the official representation of the platform in the country, could result in the banning of the social network on national soil.

On Wednesday night (28), Minister Alexandre de Moraes issued a subpoena order for the company to identify a legal representative in Brazil within 24 hours. If this is not complied with, the platform may go offline.

The STF’s official profile on X posted a notice, signed by Alexandre de Moraes, establishing the deadline for the presentation of the platform’s legal representative. Elon Musk will have to inform the person responsible for holding the network accountable in Brazil and also present proof that the order was complied with.

“The Judicial Secretariat of this FEDERAL SUPREME COURT shall proceed with the electronic INTIMATION of ELON MUSK, of the decision handed down in the aforementioned proceedings on 8/18/2024, which determined the indication, within 24 (twenty-four) hours, of the name and qualifications of the new legal representative of X BRASIL in the national territory, duly proven with JUCESP, under penalty of IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE SOCIAL NETWORK “X” (formerly Twitter) until the court orders are effectively complied with and the daily fines paid, in accordance with article 12, item III, of Law No. 12,965/14”says the dispatch,

As of the closing of this article, Elon Musk has not officially commented on the case.

Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/alexandre-de-morases-notifica-musk-e-x-pode-sair-do-ar-no-brasil-entenda-o-por-que.html

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