Credits: Reuters

China’s focus on research and scientific development in recent years has been in chip design and manufacture, show recent data from Emerging Technology Observatory (ETO). According to the entity, the volume of articles published by the Asian country on the subject was more than double what came from the US between 2018 and 2023. But it is not only the quantity, but also the quality, since the articles coming from China are the most cited in the area, with a large margin.

In the five -year period mentioned above, 475,000 scientific articles on manufacturing and chip design were published, according to ETO. Of these works, 34% came from Chinese institutions, with only 15% from the United States and 18% from Europe. Apparently the excitement with IA and LLM has absorbed a larger volume of research in the West.

List of countries leading production of chip design articles.
Fonte: ETO

China, however, is still focused on the chip breeding area. Looking at the first 10% of the most cited articles in the world in this segment, 50% of them come from the Asian country. US and European articles appear in 22% and 17% of citations, respectively.

China dominates the most cited articles in the world in chip manufacturing.
Fonte: ETO

High scientific production of China can generate practical results

Of course, the large volume of chip scientific articles in China and their quality do not yet reflect the practical manufacturing capacity of components in the country. But they show potential that the nation can reach soon, according to Zachary Arnold, one of the ETO representatives:

“I don’t know if I’ve seen a field where there is such a big difference … When you see so much activity, it’s hard to imagine that it won’t have an effect on China’s technological capacity and finally in its manufacturing ability in the coming years.”

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Most of the Chinese articles to be focused on neuromorphic and optolectric computing. These are technologies that seek another logic in the development of processors and would help China to circumvent many of the embargoes it currently faces, as the rules can be based only on what is already widespread in the market.

Via: Tom’s Hardware

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