A Microsoft continues to maintain secrecy regarding console sales figures Xboxbut market analysis helps to draw an overview of the company’s performance. According to Mat Piscatellaanalyst at Circa (former NPD), the consoles Xbox Series X e Series S are with sales 11% below Xbox One in the United States.
Piscatella shared the information on the forum Install Basehighlighting the difference in performance between the main current generation platforms. While the Xbox is struggling, the PlayStation 5 surpasses the sales pace of the PS4 in the same period, with an 8% advantage in the North American market.
“The Switch is coming very close to the PS2’s total sales in the US, while the PS5 is 8% ahead of the PS4’s pace. The Xbox Series, on the other hand, is 11% behind the Xbox One and now 5% behind the Xbox 360. Microsoft, however, has shown less focus on the console as the centerpiece of its ecosystem,” Piscatella said.
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Comparison between PS5 and Xbox Series X|S
Sony’s latest data, released in its November 2024 financial report, reveals that the PlayStation 5 has reached 65.6 million units sold globally by September 30, 2024. In contrast, while Microsoft doesn’t release official numbers, estimates from the VGChartz portal suggest that the Xbox Series X|S has sold more than 30 million units since its launch.
The Xbox’s performance in this generation reflects Microsoft’s strategy, which prioritizes the growth of the Xbox ecosystem, focusing on services such as Game Pass, instead of placing the console as the main driver of its presence in the games market. This approach, however, raises debates about the long-term impact on player base loyalty.
Market Context
While the PlayStation 5 continues to lead the generation in sales, the Nintendo Switch also remains a strong competitor, approaching the PlayStation 2’s all-time sales record in the United States.
Source: Gamevicio
Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/vendas-do-xbox-series-xs-decepcionam-e-ficam-atras-do-xbox-one-aponta-analista.html