A global survey by Freshworks, a leading company in enterprise software powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), has revealed that using AI at work can save up to 24 working days in a year.

According to the survey, the use of AI tools can save approximately 3 hours and 47 minutes in a typical work week, which over the course of 1 year would be 24 working days, considering an 8-hour workday.

The study reveals that the main tasks performed by professionals with the help of AI are: content creation (48%), data analysis (45%) and analysis or translation of text and audio (45%).

The report was produced based on the work routine of more than 7,000 professionals from 12 different countries (Australia, Brazil, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, USA), including 1,500 professionals from Brazil, Mexico and Colombia, from different corporate sectors, and explores the feelings, use and perceived value of workers regarding AI tools in the workplace. Check out other key findings below.

IT is the department that uses AI the most; Marketing is the second

89% of IT professionals use AI at least once a month, according to Freshworks’ global survey. Marketing ranks as the second department that uses the technology the most, with 86% of professionals using it at least once a month.

The use of AI in other departments is lower: Legal (53%), Customer Service (64%), Accounting (74%), Sales (74%) and HR (77%). Globally, and considering all departments, the study reveals that 3 out of 4 professionals (76%) already use AI at work.

Companies use AI for fear of missing out on opportunities

Another surprising finding from Freshworks’ research is that more than ⅓ of workers (37%) say their organizations adopt AI software because they are afraid of missing out on the next big thing or to avoid missing out on innovations that competitors could achieve with AI before they do. Additionally, 47% of IT professionals say that other workers in their organizations use AI in their day-to-day work, but they don’t realize they are using it yet.

Professionals see the potential of AI in business, but highlight the need for human validation

According to the survey, 72% of global workers are confident that AI brings value to business. IT professionals (84%) and Marketing professionals (80%) are the ones who most trust the positive side of technology. The main reasons are: quality of work is good (59%), increased productivity (57%) and it does exactly what we ask it to do (49%).

On the other hand, more than â…” of professionals (69%) would trust AI in the workplace more if human review of its results were mandatory. The same amount of workers (69%) also believe that AI will never be able to completely replace human workers.

To check the full report, click here.

Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/uso-de-ia-no-trabalho-libera-24-dias-uteis-por-ano-estima-pesquisa.html

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