O Tell us It’s a fixed picture here Hardware.com.br in which, occasionally, we bring up some topics for you to interact with us in the comments. Today I want to know what your favorite way of interacting with games is. Do you prefer to play on a controller or with the classic keyboard and mouse combination?
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What are the advantages of each?
Regardless of the choice, it is clear that each option has its advantages and disadvantages that need to be balanced. Nothing is black and white, and therefore it is expected that each player will have their preferences even giving up some of these advantages.
In the case of the mouse and keyboard, for example, they are a great option especially for aiming and shooting games, such as first-person shooters and RTS. For more competitive players who want to have an advantage in these types of games in online matches, they are the best choice in this regard.
The keyboard can also help a lot in games that have a lot of shortcuts, such as RPGs and MMOs, although this type of configuration can be less intuitive for beginners and also requires a more rigid position, which can end up causing discomfort in longer sessions.
The controller is a great choice for those who want more immersion and more comfort when playing. Adventure, sports and even platform games are some that benefit from the control format and simplicity of commands. In addition, it has greater mobility, which allows the player to relax on the sofa or further away from the screen.
Mouse and keyboard or controller?
That said, it’s up to the player to choose the option that suits them best. The type of device used to play nowadays is no longer as limiting as it was in the past, since using a computer it is very easy to connect a controller, as well as connecting a mouse and keyboard to different consoles.
Still, generally those who play on the console end up preferring the controls most of the time. In the case of computers, this can be a little more varied. Some players have a fixed preference, others end up switching between one and the other when they can.
And you? In general, do you prefer to play with a controller or mouse and keyboard? Tell us!
Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/artigos/conta-ai-pra-gente-voce-prefere-jogar-com-teclado-e-mouse-ou-controle/