Credits: Samsung/Reproduction

A Samsung announced the development of S3sse2athe first safety chip of the sector equipped with Post-quantum encryption (PQC) based on hardware. Technology is designed to protect critical information against attacks that exploit the power of quantum computerswhich can make obsolete the current security solutions based on public key encryption.

The advance of quantum computing brings challenges to digital security. Quantum computers are able to solve complex mathematical problems at a speed far higher than conventional systems.

Samsung Chip Hardware Quantum Safety
QUBIT growth projection: Folding every 9 months or 2 years. (Image: Samsung/Reproduction)

Experts point out that if the number of qubits double every 7 to 9 months, one Quantum computer of 1 million quibits can be reached until 2028. With this capacity, traditional security algorithms, such as the RSA-2048they could be broken in less than a week.

In addition, there is a risk of ataques “Harvest Now, Decrypt Later” (HNDL)in which hackers store data encrypted now to decrypt it when quantum technology is advanced enough. This scenario increases the need for safety solutions resistant to this type of threat.

The role of the Samsung S3sse2a chip in data protection

O S3sse2a It is a autonomous security chipcapable of performing encryption operations regardless of the Application Processor (AP) device.

Different from the model S3K250AFlaunched by Samsung in 2020, which carried out cryptographic operations within the AP security block, the S3sse2a Process and store information independently, sending only the results to the main processor.

Samsung Chip Hardware Quantum Safety
Safety Comparison: Conventional, S3K250AF and S3sse2A with PQC. (Image: Samsung/Reproduction)

The chip implements the FIPS 204 standardone of the protocols of postquantic cryptography defined by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Its architecture based on MODULAR NETWORK ENTRYGRAPHY (MODULE-LATTICE CRYPTOGRAPHY) allows operations to be performed until 17 times faster than a purely software -based solution.

Safety against physical and cyber attacks

In addition to its resistance to quantum attacks, the S3sse2a It is designed to withstand attempts at physical and logical invasion.

The chip includes mechanisms to prevent side channel attackswhich exploit variations in energy consumption and electromagnetic signs, and has protection against fault injectiona technique that manipulates errors in the system to circumvent safety mechanisms.

Samsung Chip Hardware Quantum Safety
Subscription generation time: 17.66x faster with hardware. (Image: Samsung/Reproduction)

A Samsung System LSI also integrated the proprietary technologies Active Shield e S-Laserdesigned to block physical invasions aimed at reverse hardware engineering.

Availability and impact on the market

A Samsung has already completed the development of S3sse2a and began sending samples to strategic partners.

The chip must be integrated with future mobile devices and Internet of Things (IoT)ensuring a more advanced level of protection for personal, financial and biometric information.

Samsung Chip Hardware Quantum Safety
Types of attacks: Side channel, failure injection and hardware reverse. (Image: Samsung/Reproduction)

With the growing digitization and the imminent arrival of the commercial quantum computerssolutions like the S3sse2a They indicate the way to a future where digital security will need to evolve continuously to face new threats.

Source: Samsung.

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