Credits: Reproduction/Microcenter (Reddit)

Nvidia’s long -awaited RTX 50 series has generated great movement between gamers and hardware enthusiasts. Three days from the official launch, consumers have already started camping in front of Micro Center stores in the United States, as seen in images published in the network dedicated to the network.

In the case of the Tustin store in California, some tents are already mounted on the sidewalk, highlighting the anxiety to acquire the new GPUS.

High demand and strategies to avoid frustrations

The behavior of camping days before releases is not new and has already been recorded during the launch of the 30 and 40 RTX series, mainly due to the scarcity of products generated by the 2020 pandemic.

But now, with the RTX 5090 and 5080, consumers try to be careful against a possible exhaustion of inventory and the action of scalperswhich have already begun to profit from high demand.

The race for the new RTX 5090 and 5080 has begun, and enthusiasts are camping days before to escape limited stocks and inflated prices by the parallel market

Speculators are already charging up to $ 7,000 for “guaranteed vacancies” to buy the RTX 5090 at launch. The parallel market occurs amidst extremely limited inventory reports, such as the Occupid Store in the UK, which would have received less than 10 RTX 5090 units.

RTX 5090 Aorus Master Gigabyte

Price and availability under pressure

Another factor that intensifies the race for GPUS is the possible increase in price. Information points out that high costs for NVIDIA partners have made it difficult to maintain the values ​​suggested in launch.

In the case of RTX 5090, MSRP is $ 1,999, while the RTX 5080 reaches $ 999, but custom models already appear with much higher values ​​in the international market.

In addition, a report published recently showed that in China, the limitation of inventories has already doubled the price of the plates. The situation can make it even harder for consumers to acquire new GPUs at fair prices in the first weeks.

Next RTX 50 series releases

Nvidia plans to expand the line with the arrival of RTX 5070 Ti and RTX 5070 in February. However, given the current scenario, it is possible that the same scarcity and climbing of prices observed with the top line models repeat.

It is increasingly clear that for many enthusiasts, ensuring a position in line can be the only way to avoid the typical headaches of such disputed releases.

Fonte: Reddit/Microcenter

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