Credits: Nvidia/Reproduction

16 -pin connector reaching 150 degrees Celsius in a RTX 5090? But what a surprise, isn’t it?! Andreas Schilling, editor of Germany’s luxx hardware, did the test with a thermal camera and caught the current most powerful GPU in the world “on fire, animal”, not literally – yet…

Jokes aside, Schilling shared his tests through social network X, where he presented images and reflected a little about this problem with which Nvidia’s video signs have been living for some generations.

RTX 5090 reaches 150 degrees!

Andreas Schilling tested an Inno3D RTX 5090 Frostbite with Liquid Cooler, and apparently the GPU operation was quiet. Well, at least that’s what appeared, but in fact the power connectors were cooking. Schilling also used a Be Quiet source! Dark Power 1, of which the GPU pulled 600W, placing the cables under worrying thermal stress.

When implemented in the past, 16 -pin connectors generated a lot of discussion due to their clear inefficiency, melting in many cases. At the time, the user was guilty of the error, with the company claiming that the cables were not connected properly. But it soon fell apart.

Although it is not a new problem, it seems that it persists in the new models RTX 50. “This is no joke and will forever remain a weakness of this generation,” said Schilling, referring to the temperatures presented through the connectors.

Schilling was categorical in saying that he does not trust this design. With this problems of overheating and melting connectors in the past, nothing prevents this from happening again. Another important detail is that the life cycle of this connector, according to Corsair, is only 30 connections, and Schilling suspects that the piece used in the tests has already passed “hundreds” of couplings. In other words, the safety margin can be much smaller than you might think.

Standing that thermal tests measure the surface temperature, ie inside the connector, things can get even warmer. The nylon 66 and the LCP shell used in the cables have a merger points of 255 ° C and 335 ° C, respectively, so maybe there is still a breath before something really starts to melt. But with temperatures already beating 150 ° C on the outside, relying on this system for long periods without adjustments can be a very risky bet.

VIA: Tom’s Hardware

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