Credits: Rockstar

The second version of AMD’s frame generator (AFMF 2) has arrived in a preview driver, promising low latency, better image quality and more performance. A test done with the iGPU Radeon 780Mbased on RDNA 3, shows that it is possible go over 150 FPS in games like GTA V.

The test carried out by the RandomGaminginHD channel shows the game running at 1080p, high preset and AFMF 2 enabled. In the Rockstar game, the gameplay exceeds 150 FPS with latency close to 10 ms, a great result.

The video also briefly shows a clip of The Witcher 3 above 100 FPS. But as the person responsible for the tests himself says, if the amount of frames generated without the technology is not close to 60 FPS, the experience can seem stuck, so he also enables the game’s FSR 2 to alleviate this issue.

GTA V is a lightweight game for any current graphics chip, the Radeon 780M itself proves this by running the game above 60 FPS in this test, as the MSI Afterburner metrics show us, since the overlay cannot show the frame gain with AFMF 2. To do this, you need to enable the overlay in AMD’s own driver.

In Rockstar’s game, the “search” and performance modes were left on automatic so the driver could choose the best configuration based on performance. The experience was not free of problems, as some artifacts and crashes occurred during testing. It is worth remembering that we are talking about a beta driver.

AFMF 2 is promising for iGPUs

This is a level of performance that opens up even higher resolutions and makes us wonder what the most current iGPUs based on RDNA 3.5 (Radeon 880M and 890M) can achieve with the help of this technology.

Disclosure/Rockstar Games

The low latency seen in this test is one of AMD’s main advertisements for AFMF 2. In the tests published by the company itself, it is possible to achieve 12% less latency with a Ryzen 7 8700G (which also has a Radeon 780M, but stronger) in CS2, and up to 28% less latency in Cyberpunk 2077 with a Radeon RX 7900 XTX.

AMD’s new version of the technology now supports full-screen, borderless gaming. And speaking of expanding support, Fluid Motion Frames 2 also works with Vulkan and OpenGL games.

For now, to take advantage of AFMF 2, you need to use the preview driver, which is subject to problems until it reaches its final version, just as happened with the first generation of the technology enabled via driver.

Source: YouTube

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