During the 2024 RISC-V Summitevent held in Santa Clara, NVIDIA announced having surpassed the impressive milestone of 1 billion RISC-V cores shipped to the market this year alone. This achievement is even more significant due to the fact that these cores are integrated into its famous accelerators, capable of housing up to 40 RISC-V cores on a single chip.
NVIDIA’s wide-scale adoption of the RISC-V architecture reflects the growing industry trend toward custom, open-source solutions for specific computing tasks.
The flexibility and efficiency of the RISC-V architecture has proven particularly valuable in NVIDIA accelerators, optimizing performance in applications ranging from artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to complex simulations and large-scale data processing. .
NVIDIA has already made clear in some public statements the advantage of being able to work on the three predominant architectures. In 2022, Jensen Huang, the company’s CEO, stated “we use RISC-V when it makes sense. We use ARM when it makes sense. We use x86 when it makes sense.”
The company has also been notable for strategic partnerships, like the recent confirmation that the fifth generation of chips EPYCcodename Turinwill be integrated into the clusters HGX e MGX. A combination of AMD CPUs with NVIDIA GPUs.
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As demand for high-performance processing continues to grow, especially in areas such as AI and ML, NVIDIA’s ability to deliver scalable and efficient solutions will be crucial. A characteristic that has made the company one of the most important technology companies today.
This trend is expected to drive additional innovation in the adoption of RISC-V across an even broader range of applications and devices.
Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/nvidia-supera-a-marca-de-1-bilhao-de-nucleos-risc-v-enviados-este-ano.html