Nvidia has made a great update for its feature RTX Video Super Resolution (RTX VSR) this month, and the main highlight is that it became less demanding from its video card. According to the company, using a new AI model, technology now needs to use 30% less than GPU to work.
The RTX Video Super Resolution, for those who do not remember, is a “DLSS for videos”. The feature makes the streaming upscale by browsers or even video files in some compatible players, such as VLC. Thus, a low resolution video can reach up to 4K, depending on the situation.

According to Videocardz, one of the biggest disadvantages of RTX VSR was its GPU demand. Thus, the update should be a big attraction for those who want to test the technology.
January Update also features UPSCale for HDR videos on RTX Video Super Resolution. Before it was not possible to use the super resolution in this type of content, but now with the streaming update in HDR10 will start to work. It is noteworthy that Nvidia “strongly recommends” downloading the Windows HDR calibration tool to enjoy the technology with RTX VSR.
RTX Video Super Resolution gets more configuration options
In addition to the features added to the January update to RTX Video Super Resolution, the tool has gained even more settings to offer more accurate control to the user.
Previously, it was possible to choose only between “automatic” and “manual” when setting up the quality of RTX VSR. Now, a bar that goes from “bass” to “high” has been added to the automatic quality option.

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This bar basically determines how much GPU RTX Video Super Resolution can use to improve the resolution of what you are watching. With the bar at the most, the feature will pull all the performance it needs to increase video resolution to the best way possible for the tool.
RTX VSR is part of the NVIDIA APP tool assembly.

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Source: https://www.adrenaline.com.br/nvidia/nvidia-rtx-video-super-resolution-ganha-novo-modelo-ia-que-exige-30-menos-da-gpu/