A NVIDIA announced today (23), that Capcom’s newest game, Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess, now supports DLSS 3 and ray tracing. The company also announced the arrival of NVIDIA DLSS and NVIDIA Reflex for a number of other games, including Neverness to Everness, Final Fantasy XIV Online XIV Online: Dawntrail e Marvel Rivalswhich is now available in Closed Beta from this Tuesday until August 5th.

NVIDIA also announced that developer Hotta Studio’s upcoming open-world RPG, Neverness to Everness, will launch with support for ray tracing and NVIDIA DLSS.

Speed ​​fans can enjoy the latest update of F1 Managerwhich brings a new level of depth to gameplay management, now enhanced with DLSS 2. Other titles that have also received a DLSS 2 update are Dark and Darker e a nova DLC Bladekisser for Trepang 2which will be released on July 25. The expansion will be packed with action, including new missions, weapons, and combat maps. Check out the DLC announcement trailer.

Final Fantasy XIV Online has announced the new Dawntrail expansion, bringing a wealth of new content that can now be enjoyed at the highest resolutions and detail levels thanks to the inclusion of NVIDIA DLSS 2. The game’s official benchmark is available for download on the websitewhich gives players the chance to test their computers’ ability to run the game and, if necessary, upgrade to ensure a high frame rate for a high-fidelity experience,” NVIDIA highlights in a note.

If the player is using a GeForce RTX PC or laptop, go to Settings > Graphics Settings 1 > Graphics Upscaling and enable NVIDIA DLSS.

Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/nvidia-anuncia-a-chegada-do-dlss-para-kunitsu-gami-path-of-the-goddess-e-outros-jogos.html

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