Researchers from Microsoft have developed the first AI language model specifically designed for spreadsheets. The technology is capable of reading and interpreting spreadsheets, automating tasks and giving users more control over documents with large databases. This large-scale language model (LLM) is called SpreadsheetLLM and can be integrated into existing artificial intelligence platforms, such as ChatGTP and the CoPilotfrom Microsoft itself.

Technology can also be integrated into Excel

According to the researchers involved in the project, SpreadsheetLLM could also be integrated with spreadsheet reading services, such as the famous Excel. LLM is fully adapted to the characteristics and structure of spreadsheets, perfectly understanding functions such as rows, columns and all formula formats.

According to a report by Microsoft in conjunction with Linkedin, considering the participation of users in 31 countries, 75% of people already use AI at work. Technologies such as SpreedsheetLLM can further assist users in the professional environment, automating tasks that would take a long time to complete in the traditional way.

In addition to LLM, researchers have developed a method to reduce the size of spreadsheets, ensuring a more effective reading mode. According to the academic article referring to the studythe results were 78.9% better with the use of this compressor.

For now, this LLM has no release date, and is only in Microsoft’s internal testing environment.


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