Three new PARAM Rudra supercomputers began operating this week in India. They were “turned on” by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as part of his campaign to make the country a technology hub. Thus, most of the technologies in the new machines are of national origin, but their accelerators are not yet.
The government’s official release did not provide details about the components used in India’s new Rudra supercomputers. However, The Register staff managed to find disclosures from organizations involved in the project that provide some details.

Apparently, one of the machines uses “thousands of Intel CPUs and 90 ‘top of the line’ NVIDIA A100 GPUs.” Evidently, the current top of the NVIDIA line is the H100, which will soon be displaced even by the H200.
The site also mentions a supercomputer from the Inter-University Accelerator Centre, India’s inter-university center for accelerators. Before the official debut of the supercomputers, representatives of the organization had mentioned working on a three petaFLOPS machine, with 2nd generation Xeon CPUs.

It is worth remembering that India is already working on a 96-core HPC processor, which will use ARM 8.4 architecture and be manufactured in 5nm by TSMC. One has to imagine, however, that the component was not ready in time to be used in the new Rudra, or the prime minister would have made a point of mentioning it.
India seeks to modernize its computing
In an increasingly electronic world, this type of technological advancement becomes important for any country. At a time when China is facing US sanctions, India sees opportunities to emerge as an important economic partner in Asia for Western nations.
More news on the subject:
The new Rudra supercomputers may not impress, while Japan is already talking about devices with performance in the zetaFLOPS range. However, they are concrete fruits of India’s efforts to advance its technologies.
Supposedly, the country even wants to participate in the AI race, with national company Ola Electric working on its first chip of this type, the Bodhi 1.

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Source: https://www.adrenaline.com.br/hardware/india-agora-tem-tres-novos-supercomputadores-rudra/