Credits: AFP

Globalfoundries, which has been part of AMD, announced a new partnership with MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for the joint development of technologies. The main objective of the agreement is the creation of photonic chips aimed at AI.

“The collaboration between MIT and Globalfoundries exemplifies the power of cooperation between academy and industry to face the most difficult challenges in semiconductor research,” said Tomás Palacios, one of MTL’s directors, MIT’s laboratory that will work more directly with the technology company.

Representatives of MIT and Globalfoundries are greeted
Fonte: GlobalFoundries

According to its disclosure, the partnership will use the “differentiated” technology of globalfoundies photonic silicon to create more efficient components for data centers, as well as the company’s 22FDX platform, which is used on smart devices. The text, however, does not emphasize the specific advantages that photonic chips can bring to AI.

“By joining MIT’s renowned abilities with GF semiconductor leading platforms, we are positioned to boost significant advances in research on GF’s essential technologies,” said Globalfoundies executive Gregg Bartlett. “This collaboration highlights our commitment to innovation and emphasizes our dedication to developing the next generation of talents for the semiconductor industry.”

Facade of one of the MIT buildings
Shock: Wikimedia Commons

Globalfoundries and MIT have long collaborated

The promise of photonic chips for AI is an extension of the collaboration between the semiconductor manufacturer and the university that has been going on for some time. The partnership was announced on the MIT campus itself.

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The institute has some of its teachers participating in the partnership program with universities of Globalfoundries. In addition, institutions work together in professional training programs, even involving the United States Department of Defense.

With the focus of the technology development partnership, it is expected that it will still go a while before we see products finished as a result of this collaboration.

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