Credits: Free3D/Reproduction

A curious story has caught attention on the internet in recent days. The gamer @torghira found a PS2 sealed in his garage 20 years ago. When asking his parents about the console, he discovered that it was a gift but they simply forgot to deliver the video game.

On the internet, @Torghira questions whether the sealed PS2 has any financial value. The device still has the seal on the edge, indicating that it It was never even opened after leaving the store. When posting the case on Reddit in the r/PlayStation forum, another user asked how “Do you find these things in the garage?“.

“It’s a combination of my parents hoarding crap in the garage (there are hundreds of baseball cards in here) and probably undiagnosed ADHD in both of them.“, replied the user on Reddit.

It’s a combination of my parents hoarding crap in the garage (there are hundreds of baseball cards in here) and probably undiagnosed ADHD in both of them.

@Thorghira – Reddit

Forgetting a sealed PS2 may have a reason

Certainly, the other users didn’t think it was unusual for someone to find a PS2 that had been sealed for 20 years in a garage. When explaining the situation better, @Torghira related the probable forgetfulness to the birth of his sister and her hospitalization.

“However, they bought it [o PS2] at the time my sister was being born and ending up in the hospital, so I can understand the fact that they simply forgot“, he commented on the possible cause of forgetfulness.

However, they bought it [o PS2] at the time my sister was being born and ending up in the hospital, so I can understand the fact that they simply forgot

Explained the user about the possible reason why their parents forgot the gift

PS2 Slim sealed 20 years ago

Regarding the value of the sealed PS2, @Torghira states that he received several proposals, but will not sell the console on Reddit. Furthermore, many people claim that as the console was highly popular, it is very easy to find, reducing its value as a collectible item.

Some people suggested continuing to keep the PS2 sealed, exactly as it was found. Who knows, maybe in another 20 years it will be worth a huge amount, like the iPhone 1, which has already received bids of US$63,000.

According to Jim Ryan, the PlayStation 2 sold 160 million units. However, the numbers have not yet been made official by Sony. The PlayStation 2 is the best-selling console in the world, but it could lose the position to the Nintendo Switch with 141 million units sold. Interestingly, nowadays rumors suggest that the Japanese company is eyeing a new laptop capable of playing PS4 games.

Font: Reddit

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