With the popularization of social networks, Wi-Fi free in establishments, cybercriminals create fake networks and compromise existing ones to induce connection and steal data from victims. Once connected, your personal information becomes vulnerable and can be misused by malicious people. Because of this, experts at Kaspersky created a set of safe practices for using these networks.
Traffic interception
Free Wi-Fi hotspots attract both customers and hackers. Using tools that create an access point that compromises the network, criminals capture data transferred and received during the connection, accessing victims’ banking credentials, login details and other personal information.
In more sophisticated attacks, a pop-up window may appear, offering an upgrade to a popular software, for example, and clicking on it will result in the malware being installed on their computer. Another method used by cybercriminals is to create fake networks that look like legitimate ones, so that people can log in while hackers monitor their access.
This is because public Wi-Fi often lacks adequate cybersecurity to prevent third-party attacks. In addition, people end up falling victim to these scams because they trust these networks, are unaware of the risks, or are not careful when connecting.
Recently, there was a case reported by AFP in Australia in which employees of an airline in the country reported a suspicious Wi-Fi network. Created by a criminal during flights and in airports, legitimate networks were imitated to obtain data from unsuspecting passengers. To obtain credentials, he requested access logins via the victim’s email and social networks, thus collecting their personal data.
“In a world where cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, it is crucial to take security measures when using public Wi-Fi networks. Using these networks only when necessary and always verifying their authenticity can help you browse safely. In addition, keeping a VPN active increases your security and ensures continuous privacy protection, reinforcing your defense against the risks present in the digital space.” says Fabio Assolini, Director of the Global Research and Analysis Team for Latin America at Kaspersky.
But despite the cybersecurity risks, there are effective ways to ensure that your data remains safe. To avoid taking unnecessary risks, Kaspersky experts offer a list of precautions that should be taken:
- Connect to public Wi-Fi only when necessary. It is generally advisable to use public Wi-Fi networks only when necessary, due to their potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
- Verify network authenticity. When using a public Wi-Fi network, confirm the legitimacy of the network with the staff of the establishment you are using to connect. This can prevent you from connecting to a fake network that could steal your data.
- Pay attention to the public Wi-Fi network access page. If you are prompted to log in to external platforms, such as social networks, to access the network, this is a warning sign. These requests may indicate a phishing attempt.
- Avoid sensitive transactions on public Wi-Fi networks. It is recommended that when connecting to a public network, you avoid logging into websites with your access data, especially on financial services pages, significantly reducing the risk of compromising your personal information.
- Improve privacy and security with a VPN. Using a VPN can significantly improve your internet privacy. Modern VPNs encrypt your data and protect your online activities from unauthorized access. Their use does not significantly affect your internet speed, making them suitable for continuous use.
Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/cibercriminosos-usam-redes-wi-fi-publicas-para-roubar-dados-e-distribuir-malware.html