A Apple announced last Wednesday, the 15th, that it will bring news for users and developers. The company said it is preparing updates and new accessibility features on iOS and iPadOS systems.

One of the most anticipated new features is the eye tracking. According to Maçã, these tools should arrive later this year. This indicates that they could be part of the new iOS 18. In the next paragraphs I give more details about this technology that will allow you to control the iPhone without using your hands, in addition to other accessibility features that were also announced.

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Control your iPhone with your eyes

Apple explained that eye tracking will use eye tracking algorithms. artificial intelligence. This advancement will allow people with motor difficulties in their arms or hands to control their devices just with eye movement. The devices’ front camera will accurately track your eyes.

Another good news is that Apple also confirmed that you will not need to buy extra accessories to use this feature. That’s a good thing, as we all know how expensive Apple accessories tend to be, even in international markets.

Another accessibility feature confirmed by Maçã is that to improve navigation, the virtual assistant Siri will better understand different or atypical speech. This will help users with speech impairments. Think of people who stutter or have cleft lips (the famous cleft lip). These people will benefit from this feature.

Another new feature is the use of iPhones’ haptic engine to create a musical experience for those with hearing impairments. Called Haptic Music, this function makes the device vibrate along with the music, at the same rhythm.

The Música Hápticas API will be released soon. This will allow developers to add the function to more songs and perhaps even games.

Other accessibility features

Additionally, Apple announced other accessibility features for other devices:

  • In Apple CarPlay: a sound detector for the deaf, a color filter for the color blind and voice control.
  • On visionOS: real-time subtitles for the deaf.
  • And a feature for iPad and iPhone that reduces dizziness when using devices on the go.

It was also mentioned that the new Personal Voice now supports Mandarin, helping people with speech difficulties. For those who don’t know, the “Personal Voice” feature is when the iPhone speaks for the user, as if it were a “spokesperson”.

These accessibility features will likely debut in iOS 18. Expectations are high, and the new version should be announced in June, at the WWDC 2024 event, between the 10th and 14th.

The future iOS 18 could bring big changes, including Generative AI. But it is not yet known whether it is OpenAI or the Google who will provide the technology for this. What we know is that Apple users can expect a lot of new features for iOS 18.

Source: Apple

Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/2024-05/controle-iphone-movimento-olhos.html

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