A Reddit user shared all his appreciation for components and computers. In a post published on the subreddit of NVIDIA, He said that he has been maintaining all his computers and components for about 40 years.

Making sure to emphasize that everything continues to work perfectly, he showed some photos of his impressive collection of more than 1000 video cards, 2500 processors and 400 motherboards. Plus about 300 complete PCs.

The mega inventory, which is a true journey through the evolution of hardware, includes components from 1981 to 2024.

From the images, it is possible to find some gems, such as a video card from the iconic Voodoo line from the late 3dfx, and even a PC in a configuration that was the dream of many people. Quad SLI, that is, 4 video cards interconnected in the same computer. The collection also includes recent hardware, such as cards from the RTX 40 line.

In addition to cards launched by NVIDIA partners, the collection also brings together the popular VGAs from the Founders Edition line, NVIDIA’s reference model.

Speaking of pearls from the hardware world, recently the GeForce 256the first card in the GeForce line, turned 25 years old. We made a video recalling some interesting facts about it. Check it out below:

From the images posted by the owner of the collection, it is also possible to see several legendary computers, such as the Commodore 64, Sinclair  ZX81 and the Amstrad CPC.

What did you think of this collection? Comment below.

Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/colecionador-impressiona-com-mais-1000-placas-de-video-2500-cpus-400-placas-mae-alem-de-300-pcs.html

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