Credits: ASML

The most current lithography processes for semiconductors involve the use of EUV tools in their manufacture, which China is prevented from using due to sanctions imposed by other countries. Thus, one of its main companies is seeking to solve the problem by creating its own solution, as indicated by a recent patent registration.

The largest – and only – supplier of EUV lithography machinery in the world is ASML. Despite having customers in China, the Dutch company has never shipped such a tool there, and probably won’t any time soon. That’s because the company has recently faced more restrictions in its home country, the Netherlands, under pressure from the US to block Chinese development of the technology.

Machine representation for ASML EUV.
Source: ASML

Shanghai Microelectronics Equipment (SMEE), a leading local supplier of semiconductor manufacturing machines, has filed its own patent for EUV. The technology is complex and involves using laser-generated plasma (LPP) to create extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation and then using that light to perform lithography on silicon.

Representative image of EUV light.
Source: Intel

While SMEE’s current machines focus on “mature” processes – such as 90nm, 110nm and 280nm – EUV is used in more current processes, from 7nm to 3nm. According to Tom’s Hardware, SMIC currently uses “workarounds” with DUV machines to manufacture chips at 7nm, but the production cycle this way is less efficient. Due to sanctions suffered by China, however, SMIC and its customer Huawei have no choice but to use the method even for their future generations of components.

EUV patent could be promising, if it results in anything

As we know, it’s not uncommon for patents to be filed that never end up becoming a finished, useful product. In fact, Tom’s Hardware itself points out that Huawei itself also has a patent for an EUV-based system, filed in China in 2022.

More about semiconductors:

This is an extremely complex technology, so much so that currently only ASML is considered a reliable supplier. To create its own EUV tool – and help China in its quest to become self-sufficient – ​​SMEE will have to develop everything locally. And there’s no telling when more sanctions will be imposed to hamper future developments.

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