In less than 15 seconds, the Chamber of Deputies approved this Tuesday (28) the bill that aims to end the exemption for imports up to US$50.

The approved text establishes a rate of 20% for these purchases. If it does not undergo any changes during the analysis of the highlights, it will go directly to the Senate and will still depend on President Lula’s sanction.

Exemption has worried the national industry, says rapporteur

Parliamentarians argue that taxation is a way of protecting national industry. Even though it is understood as a measure that goes against public opinion, the end of the exemption is defined by the political class as a way to stimulate domestic retail.

The discussion about the end of the exemption is a jabuti (jargon that represents excerpts included without a direct connection with the main topic) of the Bill 914/2024which establishes the Mover Program, whose central purpose is to reduce carbon emission rates in the automobile industry by 2030, through tax benefits for companies that invest in sustainability and new obligations for the sale of new vehicles in Brazil.

“We envision the possibility of dealing with imports below 50 dollars in this bill, with the tax exemption that has worried national industry and retail, and has put jobs and several enterprises in the country at risk. We propose to revoke the possibility of imports via postal shipment, which are currently exempt so as not to create imbalances with products manufactured in Brazil and suffer from unfair competition from products from abroad.”explained the deputy rapporteur Átila Lira (PP-PI).

Átila Lira, project rapporteur

Negative impact on the Brazilian population, says Aliexpress

In a note sent to, the platform AliExpress expressed surprise at the decision of the Chamber of Deputies to raise taxes on international purchases. “If converted into Law, it will have a very negative impact on the Brazilian population, especially those from the lower classes, who will no longer have access to a wide variety of international products, which for the most part are not found in the country, at affordable prices”, highlights the platform.

In addition to the 20% rate on the value of the products, 17% ICMS will be paid. The text presented also establishes a progressive table, following the 60% rate currently in force for imports above US$50.

In opposition to the position decided by the majority of the Chamber, deputy Kim Kataguiri (União–SP), said that the agreement made in the Chamber of Deputies with the Lula government does not serve the poorest population in Brazil.

“Having an exemption range for international products exists all over the world. The solution is not to tax those who buy online internationally, the solution is to reduce taxes for the national industryhe stated.


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