Credits: Pixabay

Swiss startup FinalSpark created the world’s first bioprocessor, produced for an online platform for remote access to 16 human brain organoids. It claims to be the first neuroplatform to be able to deliver hits to biological neurons “in vitro”.

According to information from the corporation, its bioprocessor, in addition to being capable of learning and processing information, is also a reference in energy savings – consuming up to a million times less than traditional processors.

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Credits: Pixabay

The document released by FinalSpark brings this data and compares it to GPT-3 machine learning training – which uses 10GWh of energy, more than 6,000 times more than the current consumption of a typical city in Europe. Even though it is a bold statement, it is noted that they did not disclose the consumption of “Bio-CPU” in their report.

Taking into account that countries like the United States are considering even using nuclear energy to power AIs, this new energy-saving functionality promoted by FinalSpark for its bioprocessor could usher in a new technological era – however, everything is just on paper for now.

The project continues to be tested, which has been using the technology for the last four years. The startup points out that, during this period of 24/7 operation, the MEA (Multi-Electrode Array, with each carrying 4 organoids) were changed around 250 times. Even so, there was progress, since at first they only lasted a few hours.

Credits: Pixabay

Access to the FinalSpark bioprocessor

The neuroplatform on which the bioprocessor performs its functions is known as “wetware” – a mix of biological components, hardware and software. MEAs are masses of three-dimensional cells made from human brain tissue – each containing 4 organoids and being arranged in groups of four, totaling 16 for each set.

As stated above, specifications and further information were not presented by the FinalSpark article. In other words, a comparison between the model produced by them and common CPUs or even how its performance is presented was not revealed.

The viability of the project was also not revealed, as the neuroplatform does not work via the cloud. Only nine institutions have access to the remote computing platform with the bioprocessor, with each of them being charged an amount of $500cpm (cryptocurrency) to continue using the system for their studies.

Source: BGR

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