The use of Artificial intelligence is increasingly present in the education sector and in the daily lives of students. Using this technology to simulate the assessment of ENEM exams, for example, is now possible for young people from anywhere in the country. Trilloan application launched this month by edtech TRIEDuc Educational Intelligenceis now available for free in its first version, formatted to assess the five skills required in the ENEM writing tests. In addition to helping with the assessment, the application indicates points for improvement in the writing to students.
When being developed, the app considered the demands and perceptions gathered in research carried out with 3,000 students, aged 14 and 18, whose schools, both public and private, already use TRIEduc’s test correction solutions.
“The research showed that technology is very present in the activities of these young people, as they use various platforms and applications to study. Now we are making available an advanced tool using Artificial Intelligence that will help them improve their performance in ENEM essays even further.”says Juliana Miranda, president of the TRIEduc board.
The AI training was designed so that the tool could assess and provide feedback on the five skills considered in the ENEM exams: 1. demonstrate mastery of the formal written form of the Portuguese language; 2. understand the essay proposal and apply concepts from various areas; 2.;3. select, relate, organize and interpret information, facts, opinions and arguments in defense of a point of view; 4. demonstrate knowledge of the linguistic mechanisms necessary for constructing the argument; 5. develop a proposal for intervention for the problem addressed, respecting human rights
The assessment includes an overall grade for performance in these five skills, and a grade for each one individually, which are delivered within a maximum period of five minutes.
The app goes beyond assessment and scoring: it presents suggestions for students to improve their performance and provides tips for them to study and see how they have improved. “Trillo was trained based on TRIEduc’s educational assessment experience, whose tests have already been applied to more than 500,000 students from almost 1,000 schools,” highlights Juliana.
The app is now available for download on the Google Play Store and the App Store.
Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/appp-que-usa-ia-para-simular-a-avaliacao-das-provas-de-redacao-do-enem-ja-esta-disponivel-para-download.html