A National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) recently announced its plans to disconnect 2G and 3G mobile networks in Brazil, with the aim of carrying out this process “as quickly as possible”, but in a careful and progressive manner.
The impact of this shutdown will extend to several sectors, such as agribusiness and the payments sector, which still use devices connected to 2G and 3G networks.
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Anatel is aware of these challenges and seeks to guarantee a reasonable time for these sectors to adapt, minimizing possible disruptions. The proposal is to give users enough time to adapt and change equipment smoothly, without major negative impacts.
According to Felipe Roberto de Lima, Regulatory Manager at Anatel, the agency is careful to carry out this shutdown without “taking consumers by surprise”, preventing the abrupt end of these technologies from causing disruption. “Looking from our side at Anatel, it is about being aware of how to do this as quickly as possible, but in the smoothest way possible.“, he stated during the IoT and Private Networks event, in São Paulo.
From April 2025, Anatel will no longer approve devices that work exclusively on 2G and 3G networks. Approval by Anatel is a certification process that guarantees that devices meet the technical and safety requirements required in Brazil, and is important to ensure the quality and safety of products available to consumers. This decision aims to encourage the exchange for more modern devices, which can use technologies such as 4G and 5G, ensuring greater efficiency and safety for consumers.
Expansion of 5G networks
The shutdown of legacy networks will also allow the release of frequencies below 1 GHz, which will be used for the expansion of 5G networks in the country. This spectrum band is essential for expanding 5G coverage, especially in rural and difficult-to-access areas, providing better connection quality and higher data speeds.
For users in rural areas, this means more stable internet with fewer interruptions and the ability to access essential digital services, such as telemedicine and distance education, which depend on a good connection. This spectrum band is essential to expand 5G coverage, especially in rural and difficult-to-access areas.
Although the shutdown process is being accelerated, Anatel ensures that it will be conducted in a way that minimizes disruption. To this end, Anatel plans consumer information campaigns, explaining the changes and providing guidance on changing devices, in addition to establishing partnerships with manufacturers to facilitate migration to more modern technologies. Old equipment will continue to work, but the recommendation is that users look for newer alternatives to ensure a better user experience and security.
Source: Telesynthesis
Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/anatel-desligamento-redes-2g-3g-brasil.html