O X presented to the Federal Supreme Court (STF), this Thursday (26), a petition stating that it regularized the representation situation in Brazil and requested the unblocking of the network in the country. The network was blocked on August 30, by order of the STF minister, Alexandre de Morais.
In a note sent to Hardware.com.br, lawyer Marcia Ferreira, manager of the Privacy and Data Protection Division at Nelson Wilians Advogados, says that, despite fulfilling the requirement of having official representation in the country, Elon Musk’s X platform needed to comply with two other points:
- Blocking of certain accounts;
- Payment of R$18 million in fines for non-compliance with court orders.
The platform confirmed that it met all demands and formalized the request to resume its activities in Brazil. In a note, X stated that “all the measures indicated by Your Excellency were adopted to reestablish the functioning of the platform in Brazil”.
It is not yet clear when access to the platform will resume.
According to the lawyer, the company’s representation in Brazil is very important both for regulatory authorities and for users’ rights. “Companies need to have a place to receive legal demands. Lack of representation can create difficulties for legislative authorities. It is also essential for users who need to have a regulated channel for complaints.”
According to the lawyer, the Marco Civil da Internet already addresses this issue by mentioning that companies that do not comply with legislation may be punished.
Source: https://www.hardware.com.br/noticias/apos-cumprimento-das-decisoes-x-formaliza-pedido-para-retomar-operacao-no-brasil.html