Revolutionary or just an improvement over the GTA 5? Much has been said about what the Rockstar is reserving for gamers in GTA 6. Set to be released in 2025, the next game in the franchise is being shaped with a lot of investment from the studio. According to some rumors, the game’s budget would be between US$ 1 and US$ 2 billion, making it one of the most expensive games of all time.

But many people are a bit afraid that the game will be a kind of “Chinese Democracy” of games. The famous Guns N’ Roses album also involved a high cost, a long production time and a result that fell short of expectations. A former Rockstar developer, Obbe Vermeijirecently stated that people may be disappointed with the game, as the result may not be a truly giant leap when compared to 5.

Well, there is still a long way to go before this and other questions are answered. However, many of those who enjoy the Rockstar franchise already have a list of improvements that they would like to see applied to the next game. One example is a Reddit user who posted a video on the platform’s GTA 6 subreddit that shows the behavior of cars during explosions in the game. And he writes: “I hate this to this day”.

I hate it even today.
byu/PartyCultural2436 inGTA6

The post sparked a series of comments about one of the aspects that people would most like to see improved in the franchise: physics. In fact, there is a large number of gamers who prefer GTA 4 in this regard, citing numerous advantages, in terms of more realistic behavior, of the 2008 game when compared to the 2013 game.

It must be very difficult to find a gamer who considers GTA 4 better than 5 in general terms, as a game itself. Considering the character development, narrative, and interaction in the game. But, in terms of more “realistic” physics and simulation, GTA 4 has a special place in the evaluation of many.

Among the comments on the Reddit post, one user responded “It would be great if the vehicle data was more realistic. Personally, I think GTA 4 did this better than GTA 5.” In another comment, a person recalled that “In GTA 4, sometimes cars just break down and stop. Honestly, I was shocked the first time it happened and it felt very real.”

On YouTube you can find some videos, like the one below, that focus precisely on this comparison of character behavior and surrounding elements between GTA 4 and 5. Which do you prefer?

What issues do you think are the most important that Rockstar needs to address in the next game? Do you think the physics of GTA 4 are superior to those of GTA 5? Leave your opinion below.


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